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USAC Sets New “Permanent” Timeline

July 1             Form 470 available for next funding year.  

October 1       Opening of the “Administrative Window,” the period in which you should update your EPC entity profile data.

January 7       Closing of the applicant’s “Administrative Window.”  

January 10     Opening of the Form 471 application window.

February 20    Last day to file a Form 470 and have it posted for the required 28 days before the close of the application window. 

March 20        Form 471 application window deadline.

April 19          Target date for the release of Wave 1 FCDLs.

September 1  Target PIA review completion date for all “workable” applications.


Please Note:  USAC intends these to be fixed dates, unaffected by weekends (i.e., not rolling over to the following business day).  The first time this will become critical is in 2021 when March 20th falls on a Saturday.